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Welcome::INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGY AND ADVANCED ESUBJECT CATEGORY(ENGINEERING) : Computer Science Engg., Information Technology, Electronics Telecommunication Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Welcome::INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGY AND ADVANCED ESUBJECT CATEGORY(ENGINEERING) : Computer Science Engg., Information Technology, Electronics Telecommunication Engineering, Electrical Engineering
List of engineering colleges in Kerala - WikipediaThe following is a list of Government, Aided, Government Cost Sharing and Private self-financing Engineering Colleges in the southwestern Indian state of Kerala.
Musical clock - WikipediaThe pipe organ clock was a specific clock that chimed with a small pipe organ built into the unit. An example is a Markwick Markham made for the Turkish market, circa 1770. 4
Air-to-cloth ratio - WikipediaThe air-to-cloth ratio is typically between 1.5 and 3.5 metres per minute, mainly depending on the concentration of dust loading.
Fence - WikipediaAlternatives to fencing include a ditch (sometimes filled with water, forming a moat).
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Signal-to-noise ratio - WikipediaSNR also determines the maximum possible amount of data that can be transmitted reliably over a given channel, which depends on its bandwidth and SNR. This relationship is described by the Shannon–Hartley theorem, which
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Single point of failure - WikipediaSystems can be made robust by adding redundancy in all potential SPOFs. Redundancy can be achieved at various levels.
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